Environment One Corporation (E/One) is an operating company of Precision Cast parts Corp. (PCC), a worldwide manufacturer of complex metal parts and industrial products. With corporate headquarters in New York and regional offices and distribution throughout the industrialized world, E/One is a manufacturer and provider of products and services for the disposal of residential sanitary waste and Utility Systems for the protection and performance optimization of electric utility assets. PCC is a wholly owned subsidiary of Berkshire Hathaway Inc.
Dual Hydrogen Control Panel (DHCP)
Environment One Dual Hydrogen Control Panel (DHCP) was designed specifically for monitoring GE’s scavenging seal oil generators. The DHCP contains two independent analyzers that monitor the turbine-end seal drain enlargement, collector end seal oil drain enlargement with both valving for manual or DCS operation for checking casing purity of the generator.
When present in hydrogen, pyrolytic products are quickly detected by the sensitive ion chamber of the GCM-X. The GCM-X warns of impending generator failure faster and more reliably than temperature sensors such as RTD’s or thermocouples.
The GCM-A2 monitors two air sample lines using a sub micrometer particle detector. One line monitors ambient air, which serves as a reference. The other line is used to monitor generator cooling air, which is then compared against the particle level of the reference. High particle levels in the generator cooling air, without a corresponding
increase in the ambient air, confirms the source of the pyrolysis particles is from within the generator.
In the event overheating occurs, large numbers of pyrolysis products are created in the generator cooling air. When the signal level corresponding to the difference between the generator cooling air and ambient air exceeds a predetermined (adjustable) set point, the result is a differential alarm, causing the alarm contacts to close. Individual contacts will also close if the outputs
corresponding to the ambient air and/or generator cooling air exceed predetermined (adjustable) set points.
Available in North America, E/One now offers best in-class thermal conductivity and vibrating element technology with E/One’s GGA and Yokogawa Corporation of America’s (YCA) GD402. The E/One- YCA alliance brings together industry leaders focused on plant- level relationships and a wide range of generator applications. With E/One’s GGA and YCA’s GD402, operators are provided with options in continuous monitoring of gas purity throughout all phases
of generator operation.